21 Dec
Detoxyn does water remove toxins from the body
Detoxyn does water remove toxins from the body

What is the essence of cleansing the body with water? Strictly at the appointed hours, you must drink a certain amount of water. In 10 minutes, water cleans the intestines, in 30-40 minutes, the kidneys are cleansed, and in 2 hours, water cleans the entire body, contributing to blood thinning. Water purification is the so-called fasting days, when you cannot eat anything for 1-2 days or you must follow a diet during all fasting days. This is done so that the body is not slagged again.

The longer you cleanse, the better your body will be. It can be cleaned up to a month, but the "beginner" cannot stand such long periods. The advantages of water purification are obvious: it does not require any special financial costs, the procedure can be easily adjusted to the individual regimen of the day, cleansing helps to lose weight and improve well-being.

There are several effective methods for cleaning with water. In this article, we will introduce you to three of the most popular.

1. Drinking cleansing.
The easiest way to completely cleanse the body. It is necessary to drink water every day at the same time, preferably non-carbonated mineral water without any additives. The last water intake should be 3-4 hours before bedtime.

Scheme for 3 days: drink 3 liters of water in small doses during the day. It is better not to eat anything in these lengths, but if it is difficult to refuse food, then you can use buckwheat, apples or kefir in small quantities. This cleansing is recommended twice a month.

does water remove toxins from the body

Scheme for the week: drink 2.5 liters per day with a light vegetarian diet. Recommended to be carried out every 3 months.

Scheme for a month: the daily dosage of water is taken at the rate of 30 ml per 1 kg of weight. It is necessary to reduce the size of the portions and avoid unhealthy, fatty and fried foods. It is recommended to hold it every six months.

2. Hot cleansing.

The increased water temperature allows chemical compounds to be broken down, breaking them down into smaller particles https://megasalesss.blogspot.com/2020/12/detoxyn-how-to-remove-toxins-from-your.html, which are removed more easily and faster. Cleaning with hot water cleanses the blood, blood vessels and removes excess salts. For such cleansing, heated unboiled drinking water without additives is suitable.

Hot cleansing should not be carried out for gastrointestinal diseases, as it can damage the mucous membranes. This method is also not suitable for people with renal and hepatic insufficiency and the presence of stones.

3. Mineral cleansing.

Mineralized or mineral water not only cleanses the body, but also replenishes the lack of leachable substances. The body will constantly receive the necessary sodium, magnesium, calcium, chlorine, hydrocarbonates, sulfates.

Scheme for a week: half an hour before each main meal, drink 200 ml of water. Every hour after the main meal, drink 200 ml of magnesium mineral water.

Scheme for 10 days: during the day, drink 1 liter of mineral water and low-fat kefir. Eat oatmeal for breakfast, fresh vegetable salad for lunch, and a green apple for dinner.

Scheme for two weeks: 200 ml of water 20 minutes before meals 4 times a day.

Scheme for a month: 250 ml 30 minutes before meals 3 times a day.

It is worth carefully studying the composition of the mineral water. Too much salt can have a negative effect on joints, and too much carbon dioxide can lead to digestive problems.

Take care of your health and help your body to heal. You can order water both for purification and for consumption without unnecessary hassle and with savings for your free time and budget.

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