04 Dec
Varicorin medications to treat varicose veins
Varicorin medications to treat varicose veins

For patients who are interested in how to treat varicose veins at different stages, we give a list of effective techniques, ways to help solve the problem. Treatment, depending on the indications, is divided into non-surgical methods and surgical intervention, which is used if problems with the vessels and legs have reached a maximum. Treatment is prescribed only after the tests and examination have been carried out.

In non-surgical treatment, the following are used:
Taking drugs responsible for increasing the tone of the venous walls. Medicines do not remove the causes of the disease, but only prevent the manifestation of a certain symptom, such as heaviness in the legs, swelling. Among venotonics, Detralex, Phlebodia are the most effective;

The use of heparin-containing ointments, which also relieve symptoms and help get rid of discomfort (Lyoton, Hepatrombin);

If the patient has a risk of blood clots, prophylaxis is prescribed in the form of taking coagulants;

Compression knitwear, which reduces the load on the leg, helps to distribute the load even during vigorous physical activity, does not allow blood to stagnate. Thanks to wearing compression stockings or tights, the leg does not feel heaviness even at the end of the day, there is no swelling;

Elimination of symptoms and causes is possible through preventive measures: stabilization of the daytime regimen, exercise therapy exercises, allowing you to relieve tension that falls on the legs during the day, treatment of concomitant health disorders.

treatment of varicose veins

Indications for the use of surgical treatment of varicose veins are extensive lesions of the veins on both limbs, trophic ulcers, thrombophlebitis, phlebothrombosis and other serious conditions that cannot be cured with medication. The choice of treatment for diseases of the veins of the lower extremities with the help of surgical intervention is determined by the specific course of the disease, the presence of concomitant health disorders, and other pathologies.


Surgical treatments for varicose veins are:
Sclerotherapy - with the help of the procedure, small spider veins can be treated, as a result of gluing the veins are given integrity. During the procedure, a special adhesive is injected into the vessel, which connects the walls with a small degree of damage.
After a while, the stars dissolve, minor symptoms of manifestation are removed, making the legs attractive. The advantage of this method of treatment is the absence of anesthesia and a short time (the procedure lasts 5-15 minutes);

Laser coagulation - helps to solder larger vessels that are prone to wall damage. The administration of local anesthesia precedes the treatment. The doctor then inserts a light guide into the vein through which the laser beam passes. Radiation heats the venous walls, due to which the vessel is soldered, the adhesion site is subsequently completely absorbed;

Radiofrequency ablation (coagulation) - the effectiveness of this new method in treatment has already been evaluated by doctors. The essence of the procedure lies in the action of high-frequency current on the venous walls from the inside, which allows them to be glued;Phlebectomy - involves the removal of large vessels, the walls of which will no longer return to a state of tone. Refers to radical methods of treating varicose veins in the legs, in which veins are removed, through which no more than 10% of blood circulation occurs. At the same time, the deep veins are rearranged for increased blood volumes. The operation is used for strong discharge of saphenous veins, nodes and pathologies.

After treatment in the clinic, certain precautions must be taken. To reduce the stress on the legs and achieve maximum results in the treatment of varicose veins, it is recommended to wear flat shoes, do not lift heavy objects, and wear compression products prescribed by a doctor.